The Beginning.

I left my job last Friday and I'm not going back. It's partly because I'm moving to France in a month, but it's also partly because I'm ill. My life is a cycle of sleeping, being sick, taking drugs that stop me from being sick and then going back to sleep. It's really boring, and really unglamorous. Since I became more ill 2 years ago, I have taken comfort in make up and clothes and all things skincare. One of the perks of 'good' days - when I have energy and feel well enough to do things - is being able to take time to choose an outfit that makes me feel pretty and put on a full face of make up. And on bad days I can slap on a face mask, read beauty blogs and watch hours of youtube videos of people discussing fashion and make up. There is never a day when it doesn't make me feel even a little bit better but I don't get out much I don't get to show off my favourite clothes or elaborate eye looks. So this is my space to do that. I can pretend I'm being productive and share the thing that makes me happy with other people who share my appreciation for floaty dresses and cut creases and blending brushes.

anna / the fashion tired

Blogging about chronic illness, clothes, makeup and probably everything else.

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