My Autumn Style Resolutions.

This autumn, I want to be happy with every outfit that I wear. I want to try new things, new outfit combinations and makeup looks, and feel good doing it. To help me along I've decided to put together a list of fashion and beauty resolutions that I can look back to whenever I'm feeling uninspired.

1. I will look to people's whose style I know looks good on me. 
For me, this is Kristen Stewart, Emma Stone and the cast of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Think 'cute but stuck in the 90s'. I know that I suit the same sort of clothes as these people, even if I'd probably add some dainty jewellery to anything Kristen wears, probably couldn't pull off half of what Emma wears and don't live in the right climate for Buffy and Cordelia's crop top and mini skirt combination. On days wear I feel like I don't want to wear anything I own, I will take a step back, look to these people and let them inspire my outfit choice for that day. 2. I will wrap up. 
I am constantly cold and this year I will accept this and wear clothes that reflect this. Alas, wearing a skirt and thin tights in the middle of October just makes my knees seize up. 3. I will wear black lipstick.
I need to stop looking at other people wearing black lipstick (and other more "daring" make up and style looks) and thinking that, while the look great, I couldn't pull it off. I'm never going to get out of style ruts if I don't give myself the chance to try something new. 

4. I will get out more. 
I started this blog to show off my outfits but I also need to take advantage of good days and leave the house. Dressing up is so much more satisfying when you leave the house and this way I can see all the amazing outfits that the stylist people of France are wearing.

5. I will be organised.
This is less about what I'm wearing and feeling good in it, but I need to start being serious abour organising my clothes and makeup. I keep forgetting that I own some amazing pieces of clothing or beautiful lipsticks because I put them in the wrong place or just throw them into any old drawer. When I move (in less than 2 weeks, ahhh!) I am going to make sure everything has a place and that when it's washed and dried it goes back there. It will help that I'll probably be taking less than half my wardrobe!

Obviously making resolutions is one thing and sticking to them is another story entirely, but I'm hoping that writing this little list for myself will give me something to read when I'm having my weekly clothes crisis.
What are your autumn style resolutions?

anna / the fashion tired

Blogging about chronic illness, clothes, makeup and probably everything else.


  1. These sound like great resolutions! I love looking on pinterest to get some inspiration and just seeing what I can make out of my wardrobe. Also love the idea of black lipstick, definitely go for it!!!

    Hazel xx

    1. I'm not actually on pinterest, clearly I need to get myself an account asap, I need more inspiration always! xx

  2. Starting my blog have really helped me to take back the power over my style. I have been dealing with anxiety for so long and don't really go anywhere. So for me blogging have become a way to get back into the real world.
    I would also love ta have a black lipstick. My resolution is to allow myself to care about my looks, since I know it does me good./love Ida

    1. I relate to this so much. Honestly, anxiety means I don't leave the house in my outfits half the time but taking the time to photograph them and put them here makes getting dressed feel worth it. Blogging is so valuable <3
